This post from one of my coaches at Between The Bumpers rang really true to me today. This attitude issue has dogged me my whole life. I had to share it with you all. As per usual, it helps me to write out my thoughts, so... long post to follow.
I am kinda an all or nothing guy, I have a huge issue with focusing on multiple things.. so my attitude goes to crap and I tend to push off a task, and focus on the one that makes me happier. Ignoring. loathing or putting aside whatever caught my eye a month or two before... It is why I can play 5 or so instruments, with mediocre skill, but haven't picked up any of them in years. It is why two paintings sit half finished on my easel. It is why I stopped running for 10 years and let my health fall apart. I stop thinking about how much I love something, and let the negative 'have to' fill my head. When the going gets tough, I look for a new path instead of focusing on the path in front of me.
The worst part is, I drag others down with it. Negative attitude can be like a plague. If you grumble about how awful band practice is all the time, eventually, the rest of the band will start to grumble about it. Eventually the band will skip practice because it is so horrible... eventually the band breaks up.
I got caught out on this a couple days ago. I showed up to the gym after looking at the workout, it looked hard, I grumbled about how hard it was, I wasn't looking forward to it. The people on either side of me agreed and were pulled down by my attitude. Luckily, Sam outsmarted me. He called it out. (yeah buddy.. I got you.. you were right.)
Cuz here is the reality. This lifestyle I chose right now isn't easy. It is REALLY hard to juggle a full time job, a home life, a social life and 3 hours of focused health management in a day. Some days you just feel like putting one of the balls down and focusing on the easier task of juggling less. So you put all your frustration in to that one hard to juggle thing. You grumble and look at it through different eyes. But... eventually, if you drop the ball enough times, it rolls under the couch and you forget to pick it back up.
So it is time for a reminder of where we are. Why juggling is so important.
First. I chose this. I want this. I have never been so close to reaching the unaccomplished. I have never been so close to being a real honest to goodness athletic person. I don't just 'get' to go to the gym and work out, I WANT THIS. It is the greatest and most awesome thing I have ever done for myself. It is 100% selfish. It is my choice. Stop bitching about it. Look at how far you have come, and how easily all that slips away if you look away. This is just for you, and yet SO many people have put time and effort in to it with you. You have the focus and attention of not 1 but 3 coaches, a squad of cheerleaders, a super supportive partner, and a team of medical people who are all taking time out of their day to support you... stop grumbling.
Second. I must stay rooted in my motivations. 1 year ago I was prepping for big scary surgeries. Warnings of things like 'high blood pressure' and reading pamphlets about how to mentally deal with cancer. I made these choices because I survived, and I have one chance. One shot to change my life, and be that guy I always wished I could be. Both mentally and physically. Does that guy waste time grumbling? HELL NO. That guy puts on a huge smile and feels AWESOME that he is still alive and killing it. STOP GRUMBLING.
Third. This group of badasses that I get to hang out with daily at the gym, run club and as part of my Rat Pack, are epic, and I am proud to call them friends. They supported me and cheered me on during the darkest of times... and I will not be the one responsible for bringing them down. I will cheer them on and motivate them to keep being awesome. I will not be the rotten apple that brings them down. (Ps. Stop grumbling)
WRAAAAAHH!!! #projectthor Continues folks. You will not believe what a great job Elsie Jahn has done here... You wanna get super ripped and in shape? Find a coach you believe in and pour your trust in to them.. stop the complaining, and get to the doing. If your health is that important to you? Why are you wishing, instead of doing. Why are you thinking "Someday I have to" and not thinking... "Today... I get to!"
Anyway. Worthy of a read, and thanks Sam for hitting me with this at exactly the time I needed to hear it.
Jason and I day 1. Super bad attitude!